Thursday, July 11, 2019

Two Tigers of kargil.

Hi guys,,,,,,,
Today i am going to talk about the three great son of  the mother India. Who fought bravely in the kargil to capture the main hills of kargil. Firstly I am going to write about Maj Vivek gupta. To honour this super hero Indian government is awarded by Mahavir chakra(MVC), which is 2nd highest war gallantry award in Indian defence.  

Major Vivek Gupta, MVC:-

Service No : IC 51152K

Date of Birth : Jan 2, 1970

Birth place: Dehradun

Service: Army

Last Rank: Major

Service Years: 1992 - 1999

Unit : 2 Raj Rif

Arm/Regt : The Rajputana Rifles

Awards: Maha Vir Chakra

Date of Martyrdom : Jun 13, 1999

Major Vivek Gupta was born on 2 January 1970 in Deharadun, Uttarakhand. Since his childhood, Major Vivek Gupta had been listening to stories about life in the army and the honor of being in the army from his father Col BRS Gupta, an Army Ordnance Corps officer and was immensely inspired by it. Finally , his natural instinct prevailed  and he decided to join the army and announced it to his family, who were very happy and proud of his decision. After college, Vivek went to National Defense Academy and Indian Military Academy and was commissioned in the 2nd Rajputana Rifles, one of the most decorated units in the Indian army, on June 13, 1992.


Major Vivek got married to an army officer Captain Rajshree Bisht in 1997. He was a very brave and committed soldier and was awarded the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) commendation for killing a Pakistani terrorist in hand-to-hand combat. Recognizing his outstanding skills he was soon sent to Infantry School, Mhow, as a weapon instructor.


Kargil War: June 1999


Maj Vivek Gupta played a significant role in capturing the Tololing top During Kargil war in 1999. The 2nd Rajputana Rifles went into the war when the Indian army did not have enough information about the exact magnitude of intrusion. Major Gupta and his men of the 2nd Battalion, Rajputana Rifles were tasked with the recapture of point 4590 on the treacherous, icy slopes of Tololing in the Drass sector. He was part of a light machine gun commando team who was asked to recapture Pakistani bunkers along the mountaintop of Tololing. As with so many of the later operations in Kargil, this too was a dangerous mission requiring an uphill accent towards entrenched enemy posts who had the advantage of height and a bird’s eye view.


Major Vivek was martyred on June 13 after capturing two difficult posts the same day on the wind-swept, icy slopes of the Drass sector.  He died on the battlefront when a fusillade of bullets from the Pakistanis tore open his torso, but not before he and his company men had slain seven members in the enemy camp. His body could not be recovered immediately and it lay on the Tololing Top before the Indian Army sent a mission, braving enemy fire, to rescue the bodies on June 15.


Life came a full circle for Major Vivek Gupta as he was martyred exactly on the day he joined the Rajputana Rifles seven years ago. “Knowing that his entire company is like a sitting duck after bullets were fired upon them from every direction Major Vivek launched a solo attack to take on the Pakistanis. While my 27-year-old son proved his blood, his fellow soldiers lived on to win more peaks,” said Col Gupta of his son’s death. He was said to be very close to his father and his father was very proud of Major Gupta that his son died a hero’s death. He posted a letter to the Indian army after Maj Vivek’s death expressing his grief and pride about him. For his act of exemplary bravery, an exhibition of spectacular courage and supreme sacrifice, he was given the nation’s second highest gallantry award, “Maha Vir Chakra” posthumously.

Further we are going to talk about Cap Vijayant thaper who is great solider fought bravely and sad to say that he sacrificed his life in the unforgotten war that is Kargil war in 1999. Further Indian government awarded and honoured by Virchakra medal(VrC). 

Captain Vijayant Thapar VrC:-

Service No : IC-58278M

Date of Birth : Dec 26, 1976

Birth place: Naya Nangal(Punjab)

Service: Army

Last Rank: Captain

Service Years: 1998-1999

Unit: 2 Rajputana Rifles

Arm/Regt : The Rajputana Rifles

Operation : Op Vijay (Kargil)

Awards: Vir Chakra

Date of Martyrdom : Jun 28, 1999

Capt Vijayant Thapar was born on 26 Dec 1976 in a military family to Colonel V N Thapar and Mrs Tripta Thapar. Having brought up in the army family Capt Thapar always wanted to follow in the footsteps of his father. In his childhood, he would often play with a gun and march around wearing his father’s peak cap and holding his cane like an officer. He pursued his dream and worked hard to get selected in IMA Dehradun. He did exceedingly well in his training and was commissioned into 2 Rajputana Rifles on 12 Dec 1998.


Capt Vijayant was always fond of outdoor activities and in the evening would invariably be in the Paltan (Battalion), watching wrestlers, boxers, and other sportsmen.  As a person, he was very kindhearted, considerate and frugal. He took to religion early in his life and wanted to live the life of a Puritan. He maintained a balanced diet and worked hard in the gym in order to be fit.


Capt Vijayant’s first unit 2 Rajputana Rifles was at Gwalior in 1998. He stayed there for a month before the unit moved to Kashmir to undertake anti-insurgency operations. Here Capt Vijyant was involved in two fierce encounters. While talking to his mother on the telephone he described how he lived through a live encounter in which about thirty bullets were fired at him. Later his unit was tasked to move to Drass in Kargil sector to undertake operations against Pak forces who had occupied Tololing, Tiger Hill, and adjoining heights.


Battle of Tololing, Knoll and Three Pimples: June 1999


On 11 June 1999, Capt Vijayant’s battalion under the command of Col M.B. Ravindernath, was tasked to capture the feature Tololing. After the initial assault by Major Mohit Saxena was held up, on the night of 12th June’99, Capt Vijayant Thapar led his platoon to capture a Pakistani position called Barbad Bunker which proved crucial for the onward battle for Tololing. During this attack 2 Pakistani soldiers were killed in the melee of fire from sides and behind. Tololing was the first victory for Indian army on 13th June 1999 and was the turning point in the war.


Later on 28 June, 2 Raj Rif was given the task of capturing Three Pimples, Knoll and Lone Hill area. The attack started with Capt Vijayant’s platoon leading on a full moon night along a razor sharp ridge with no cover to offer. There were intense and accurate artillery shelling and heavy enemy fire. He lost some of his dear men and some more were injured causing the attack to be disrupted. However, with his indomitable spirit and strong determination, he moved ahead along with his troops through a ravine to face the enemy. It was a full moon night and was a very difficult position to capture. The troops of enemy’s 6 Northern Light Infantry had all the advantages.


At 8 PM the attack commenced when 120 guns opened fire and rockets lit up the sky. In this heavy exchange of fire 2 Raj Rif moved with Capt  Vijayant Thapar leading the attack. Among the first to fall in this battle was Sep Jagmal Singh, Capt  Vijayant’s very dear orderly. Finally, Capt Vijayant’s company secured a foothold on Knoll. By this time his company commander Major P Acharya had been killed.  Enraged at this news, Capt  Vijayant surged ahead with his comrade Naik Tilak Singh. Both of them started engaging the enemy merely 15 meters away. There were three enemy machine guns firing towards them. After about an hour and a half of fierce exchange of fire Capt  Vijayant realized that the enemy machine guns had to be silenced to continue their advance towards their objective.


The ridge beyond Knoll was very narrow and sharp and only 2 or 3 soldiers could walk abreast. The danger of getting killed here was very real and therefore Capt Vijayant decided to go ahead himself with Naik Tilak Singh. Capt  Vijayant in a daring move surged ahead to do that but was hit by a burst of fire that struck him on his head. He fell in the arms of his comrade Naik Tilak Singh. Capt  Vijayant was martyred but motivated by his daredevilry and leadership, his troops later charged at the enemy and fully captured Knoll. The victory at Knoll on 29 June 1999, is a saga of unmatched bravery, grit and determination. Capt Vijayant Thapar was awarded, “Vir Chakra” for his gallantry, unyielding fighting spirit and supreme sacrifice.


Capt Vijayant Thapar is survived by his father, an Army veteran Col V N Thapar, mother Mrs Tripta Thapar and brother Vijender Thapar.

Salute to these great sons of India......


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