Monday, June 24, 2019

Remembering the PVC hero:let Manojkumar Pandey

Meri samane mouth to kasam se mouth ko bhi nahi chodunga,remembering these worfs and a great personality the  great Param Vir Charka(pvc) winner Late Shri Lieutenant Manojkumar Pandey on this special occasion which is a every special day to me also.

     Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey, PVC (25
June 1975 – 3 July 1999), was an Indian
Army officer of the 1st battalion, 11
Gorkha Rifles who was posthumously
awarded India's highest military honour,
the Param Vir Chakra, for his audacious
courage and leadership during the Kargil
War in 1999. He was killed during the
attack on Jubar Top, Khalubar Hills in   we Batalik Sector, Kargil. His actions have led
to him being referred to as the "Hero of

His important role in Operation Vijay:-

He forced back the intruders on 11 June
1999 at Batalik Sector in the Kargil War.
He led his men to capture the Jubar top
which was considered as important due to
its strategic location. Quickly sizing up the
situation, the young officer led his platoon 
along a narrow, treacherous ridge that led to the enemy position. While still short of
the objective, the enemy fired upon the
Indian soldiers effectively stalling the
Indian attack. Displaying great courage, he
surged ahead of his troops and charged at
the enemy with a full-throated battle cry
through a hail of bullets.
Although wounded in the shoulder and leg,
he pressed on his solitary charge with grim
determination, until he closed in on the
first bunker. Then in ferocious hand-to-
hand combat, he killed two of the enemy
and cleared the first bunker. It was the
turning point. Inspired by their leader's
spontaneous valour, the troops charged at the enemy and fell upon them. Unmindful
of his grievous wounds, he rushed from
bunker to bunker urging his men on.
Critically injured, he collapsed at the final
bunker and finally succumbed to his
injuries. But by this time he had already
captured the bunker with his men.Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey took part
in a series of boldly led attacks during
Operation Vijay; forcing back the intruders
with heavy losses in Batalik including the
capture of Jubar Top On the night of 3 July 1999 during the
advance to Khalubar as his platoon
approached its final objective, it came
under heavy and intense enemy fire from
the surrounding heights. Lieutenant
Pandey was tasked to clear the interfering
enemy positions to prevent his battalion
from getting day lighted, being in a
vulnerable position. He quickly moved his
platoon to an advantageous position under
intense enemy fire, sent one section to
clear the enemy positions from the right
and himself proceeded to clear the enemy
positions from the left. 

At moment of this life:-

Fearlessly assaulting the first enemy
position, he killed two enemy personnel
and destroyed the second position by
killing two more. He was injured on the
shoulder and legs while clearing the third
position. Undaunted and without caring for
his grievous injuries, he continued to lead
the assault on the fourth position urging
his men and destroyed the same with a
grenade, even as he got a fatal burst on
his forehead.
His last words were "Na chhodnu" ("don't
spare them" in Nepali). This singular
daredevil act of Lieutenant Pandey
provided the critical firm base for thecompanies, which finally led to capture of
Khalubar. The officer, however, succumbed
to his injuries. Lieutenant Manoj Kumar
Pandey, thus, displayed most conspicuous
bravery, indomitable courage, outstanding
leadership and devotion to duty and made
the supreme sacrifice in the highest
traditions of the Indian Army.    

Param vir charka citation:-

Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey,
a young officer of the 1/11
Gorkha Rifles, took part in a
series of boldly led attacks during
Operation Vijay, forcing back the
intruders with heavy losses in
Batalik, including the capture of
Jubar Top.
His finest hour was during the
advance to Khalubar, when he was Number 5 Platoon
Commander. On the night of 2/3
July 1999, as the platoon
approached its final objective, it
came under heavy and intense
enemy fire from the surrounding
heights. The officer was tasked
to clear the interfering enemy
positions, so as to prevent his
battalion from getting daylighted,
being in a vulnerable position.
The officer quickly moved his
platoon to an advantageous
position under intense enemy fire
and sent one section to clear the
enemy positions from the right, while he himself proceeded to
clear four other enemy positions
on the left. Fearlessly assaulting
the first enemy position, he killed
two enemy personnel and
proceeded to assault the second
and destroyed it by killing two
more enemy personnel.
Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey
was injured on the shoulder and
legs by enemy fire while clearing
the third position. Undaunted and
without caring for his grievous
injury, he led the assault on the
fourth position urging his mengrenade, even as he got a fatal
Medium Machine Gun burst on
his forehead. It is this singular
daredevil act of the officer, which
provided the critical firm base for
the companies, which finally led
to capture of Khalubar.
Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey,
thus showed most conspicuous
bravery, indomitable courage,
exemplary personal valour,
outstanding leadership and
devotion to duty of an
exceptionally high order, in the
face of the enemy and made the
and destroyed the same with a supreme sacrifice in the highest
traditions of the Army.

Thank you for reading my blogs☺️☺️😊😊😊


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